
LESVIA, The herstory of Eressos

By tzeli / On Nov.08.2021 / In / Width 0 Comments

Ten years ago, I started an extraordinary project to capture our herstory of Lesvos. In more than 100 interviews of women from all over the world, I captured our stories, memories, love affairs and the relationship we developed with the local community. Since the 80ies Eressos has been our home from home, our place of freedom where we could experience our true identity without guilt or shame but with joy and celebration.

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Screenings of my documentaries

By tzeli / On Nov.29.2019 / In / Width 0 Comments

During the last months, I screened my documentaries ''In search of Orpheus", "Mr. Dimitris and Mrs. Dimitroula", "Grannies, Sappho's granddaughters", "Salt and bread" and "Routvas, a land of silence", in different festivals and places. I was pleased to see such an enthusiastic acceptance from the audience! Here are some pictures of the screenings.

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Interview at Aegean airlines magazine

By tzeli / On Jun.11.2018 / In / Width 0 Comments

My interview at Aegean Airlines' magazine

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Aura from the island of Sappho in Beijing

By tzeli / On Aug.23.2017 / In beijing / Width 0 Comments

A year ago, I was flying to Beijing, invited by the poet LanLan for an exhibition at Zero Space Gallery, in the famous 798 Art District in Beijing. It was an amazing experience for me and I had a fabulous exhibition, with some of the best prints of my life. Between them, four prints on silk of my female underwater pictures. I had never thought that photos can be so sensual and mystic. This is a short video, where I am trying to include all those strong feelings and impressions I had during the trip. Just to say that in the opening night, LanLan presented her latest collection of poems, titled "Sappho, A loose bouquet and some of the most well known women poets of Beijing, read their poems, in honour of Lesvos and of Sappho.

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Sacred water, a photographic album about the mineral springs of Lesvos

By tzeli / On Aug.13.2017 / In / Width 0 Comments

The story of the book Sacred Water

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