
In search of Orpheus

"Orpheus" is part of a series of films under the title "Silent Path". They are shot in Lesvos, Greece, during the financial and migrant crisis. The aim of the series is to give a voice to everyday people who live their lives quietly, but know how to share, laugh, create, love, endure and keep on going with dignity, preserving a way of living in harmony with their environment.

Grannies, Sappho's granddaughters

This is the trailer of "Grannies, Sappho's granddaughters", a documentary about four women from Lesvos, Greece." Grannies" is part of the series "The Silent Path" that narrates a way of life, disappearing because of globalisation.

Salt and Bread

This is the trailer of "Salt and Bread", a documentary about a family that prepares frumenty, a woman distiller of tsipouro and a man who built and repairs boats, in Lesvos, Greece."

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